konf2024 en


Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the VI international scientific-practical conference


with publication of the proceedings with DOI and listening to reports in online format
Dates: October 9-10, 2024. Kyiv, Ukraine


Information letter (eng)

Download Conference Proceedings (PDF)

Organizer – Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (http://if.org.ua).

Goal – is an exchange scientific and practical experience, discuss current problems, general trends and prospects for the development of the aquaculture industry in Ukraine and the world.

Languages of event – Ukrainian, English.

Scientific and Organizing Committee:

Ihor Hrytsyniak, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Director Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS (chairperson), Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Oleksandr Tretiak, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Director in scientific works, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Natalia Matvienko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Dr (HP), Head of the Laboratory of Ichthyopathology, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Ihor Buzevych, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Study Reservoirs Bioresources, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Branko Glamuzina, PhD, Professor of Department of Aquaculture, University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, CROATIA;

Ruslan Kononenko, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Artūrs Škute, Ph.D., Sc.D., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director Institute of Ecology Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, LATVIAN;

Oleh Marenkov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, vice-rector for scientific work Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, UKRAINE;

Mgr. Ladislav Pekárik, PhD, obe senior researcher, Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA;

Vasyl Sondak, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Water Bioresources, National University of Water Management and Natural Resources, Rivne, UKRAINE;

Pavlo Shekk, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Department of Water Bioresources & Aquaculture, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odesa, UKRAINE;

Pavlo Kutishchev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Water Bioresources & Aquaculture, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, UKRAINE;

Elena Zubcov, Corresp. Member of Academy Sciences of Moldova, Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology, Institute of Zoology Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chișinău, MOLDOVA;

Yuriy Loboyko, Doctor of agricultural sciences Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Gzhytsky, Lviv, UKRAINE;

Oleh Vishchur, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Head of the laboratory of immunology, Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, Lviv, UKRAINE;

Мykola Fedorenko, First Deputy Director, State Institution "Methodological and Technological Center for Aquaculture", Куiv, UKRAINE;

Volodymyr Shcherbak, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Leading research worker of the Department of Sanitary Hydrobiology and Hydroparasitology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Mariya Simon, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Acting Head of the laboratory of International Scientific and Technical Collaboration and Intellectual Property, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS, Kyiv, UKRAINE;

Galina Danil'chuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Livestock Product Production Technology, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, UKRAINE.


• actual problems and prospects
• bioresources and ecology of water bodies
• technologies in aquaculture
• selection, genetics and biotechnology
• physiology and biochemistry
• feeds and feeding
• ichthyopathology
• economics & organization of production


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
web-site: https://if.org.ua/index.php/uk/naukovi-vidannya/konf-irg/1152-2024kijiv
Contact person: Simon Mariya, tel.: +38(063)115-3916.
Distribution of materials to participants – proceedings of published materials will be posted in the public domain on the conference website and, if desired, a hard copy can be sent.

Key dates:

until Оctober 7, 2024 — acceptance of applications for participation and materials;
October 8, 2024 — distribution of the final program of presentations at the conference;
October 9-10, 2024 — listening to the reports of those interested in the online format;
until November 5, 2024 — posting of conference materials on the website;
by December 15, 2024 — publication of the conference proceedings.

Participation fee:

The cost of publishing is free. The cost of a paper copy of the collection s 200 UAH, for foreign authors − 25 USD. To order a copy should when submitting material for publication. The method and payment for delivery are discussed by e-mail.

Form of submission of materials:

Send to the e-mail address indicated in the contacts 3 files of MS Word format with the extension .doc (application for participation, agreement for publication and presence of personal data, & thesis – P. Sahaidachny, thesis.doc; P. Sahaidachny, application.doc; P. Sahaidachny, agreement.doc;), indicating in the subject line the name of the first author and the title of the abstracts, by October 7, 2024.

Requirements for registration:

The volume of materials for publication − up to 4 pages of the author's text;
- font Times New Roman Cyr, 12 point;
- line spacing 1;
- indent 1;
- pagination at the top right;
- fields: upper and lower − 2 cm, left − 3 cm, right 1.5 cm;
The title of the thesis is in capital letters, indicating UDC, the Latin names are in italics.
Information about the authors – name, e-mail, place of work (study) with indication of the city.
References – in accordance with the requirements of the VAK in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation", considering the amendments (code KMND 01.140.40). References in the text to the literature should be submitted in square brackets indicating the serial number of the cited publication in accordance with the bibliography. The list of references is given in the order in which the links appear in the text.
Application – fill in the completed form electronically and send it along with the abstracts.
Consent to the publication – fill out the completed form, sign, scan and send along with the abstracts.