Стратегія розвитку Інституту

Стратегія розвитку Інституту рибного господарства НААН на період 2021-2025 рр.

The Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS has a bioethics commission in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 23.09.2009 №690 "Approval of Procedure for Conducting Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products and Expert Evaluation of Materials Pertinent to Clinical Trials and Model Regulations of the Ethics Committees", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 29.10.2009 under №1010/17026, as amended, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine of 01.03.2012 No. 249 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting Research and Experiments on Animals by Scientific Institutions", the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Research and Other Scientific Purposes, the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association, in order to ensure legal and ethical standards for the maintenance of laboratory animals, control over experiments and procedures conducted with laboratory animals, and control over the condition of premises in accordance with the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary legislation.

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Положення про комісію з біоетики Інституту рибного господарства НААН