Structural subdivisions of the Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Sciences
Administrative Board
- Postgraduate studies
- Trade union
- Council of young scientists
- Scientific Library
- Scientific journal "Fisheries Science of Ukraine"
- IRG conference
Scientific subdivisions
- Department of Aquaculture Technologies
- Laboratory of international scientific and technical cooperation and intellectual property
- Laboratory of ecological research
- Laboratory of hydrobiology and technologies of cultivation of valuable invertebrates
- Laboratory of fodder and fish feeding
- Laboratory of salmon farming, sturgeon farming and reproduction technologies of rare and endangered fish species
- Department of study of biological resources of reservoirs
- The upper and middle Dnieper reservoir sector
- Sector of reservoirs of the lower Dnipro
- Fleet
- Department of molecular genetic research
- Laboratory of biotechnology in fish farming
- Department of Ichthyopathology
- Parasitology sector
- Department of fish selection
- Department of Economics and Research Planning
Network of the institute
- Lviv Research Station of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Laboratory of fish farming and fish breeding
- Лабораторія іхтіопатології та гідрохімії
- Закарпатська науково-дослідна станція лососівництва та відтворення зникаючих видів риб ІРГ НААН
- Лабораторія селекції риб