Laboratory of international scientific and technical cooperation and intellectual property

Head of Laboratory:
Mariya Simon,
Ph.D of Agricultural Sciences,
Dep. Editor-in-Chief of the "Fisheries Science of Ukraine"
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tel: +38(063)115-3916
Scientists of the Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine cooperate with more than thirty scientific institutions in 16 countries of Europe, Asia, and America. The main line is joining the efforts of scientists for solving the problems of aquatic bioresources and aquaculture.
In 1997, the institute was the initiator for creating the International Council of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of aquatic bioresources of inland water bodies, which included more than 10 scientific institutions of Central and Eastern European countries. The cooperation worked as bilateral and multilateral studies in the field of selection in aquaculture, conservation and restoration of valuable and endangered fish species, development of resource saving technologies of fish rearing, fisheries exploitation of reservoirs and cooling water bodies of energetic systems, fish feeding, prevention of fish diseases, etc.
In 2004, the International Council was transformed into the Network of Aquaculture Centers in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE), the main mandate of which was to coordinate research and development works in the field of aquatic bioresources and aquaculture in this region. The Institute of Fisheries is an associate contractor in following research topics: carp selection, sturgeon culture, conservation of aquatic bioresources, and others. Currently, the Institute of Fisheries participates in the project “Technological platform of aquaculture development in Central and Eastern Europe with the possibility of further integration into a common European scientific space”. The Institute is also a member of the European Aquaculture Association, with which it cooperates in different fields of fisheries science.
There are programs of internships of young scientists and trainings in new methods and techniques of research, selection, molecular-genetic and biochemical studies developed with research institutions of Europe and America, as well as Asia.
The Laboratory also administers patent studies – search, processing, systematization, and analysis of scientific and technical information. The studies are carried out for obtaining basic data for the justified selection of the line of research, application of modern achievements and excluding unjustified duplication of scientific works. If the research and development work is completed successfully, the Department ensures the acquisition of rights related to such objects of intellectual property as inventions, utility models, commercial specimens, trademarks, copyright objects, etc. Performing the works in different fields of intellectual property, the specialists of our Institute accumulated sufficient potential and practical experience (more than 130 copyright protection documents were obtained), which allowed them to take the rightful place in the national system of the intellectual property protection in the field of agriculture, in particular, in the field of fisheries science.