Transcarpathian Research Station of Salmon Farming and Reproduction of Endangered Fish Species of the Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS

Vasyl Ustych
Cand. Biol. Sc.
mobile: +38(095)260-75-00
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Head Accountant:
Natalia Grabovetska
mobile: +38(066)9713781
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Transcarpathian scientific and research station was created based on the order of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine of 12 July 2011 №155 for scientific support of aquaculture in inland water bodies and river systems of the Carpathian region with its unique complex of valuable stenobiontic rheophilic fish species, which include salmonids such as Salmo, Hucho, Thymallus.
The importance of the work is related to the fact the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) defined mountain forests of Carpathians with their water objects as ones of 200 the most important natural regions of the Earth. Carpathians are a habitat for terrestrial, aquatic, semi-aquatic flora and fauna, which correspond to intact and pristine biodiversity of Europe.
The researches of the station use modern methods of physic-hydrological, hydrochemical, algological, zoological, and ichthyological research necessary for the development of scientific foundations and practical implementation of the strategy of the restoration of species diversity in the Carpathian region.
Major areas and kinds of scientific activities:
- conducting scientific research on the formation of collection stocks of rare and endangered fish species of the Carpathian region;
- improvement of existing and development of new technologies of breeding, rearing, and restoration of rare and endangered fish species for stocking them into the river network of the Carpathian region;
- development of scientific foundations of aquaculture development in inland water bodies of Ukraine;
- creation of genetic pool bank of valuable fish species;
- development of environmentally friendly technologies and methods for aquaculture activities in the conditions of increased human impact for producing organic fish products;
- scientific support for the environmental monitoring of aquatic biocenoses, environmental expertise for determining the effect of human activities on aquaculture, environmental impact assessment;
- studies on the effects of human activities on the state of biogenocenoses of different water bodies of the Carpathians;
- studies of existing and development of new recommendations and prognoses for improving the ecological state of inland water bodies as an integral part of the sustainable development in the Carpathian region;
- formation of a partner network of stakeholders interested in the sustainable development of the Tissa River basin such as environmental and scientific organizations of neighboring countries, especially participants of the Danube strategy.
Propositions of services for individuals and legal entities:
- scientific support and optimization of the processes of salmonid breeding and rearing;
- comprehensive hydrobiological studies;
- studies of existing fish stocks and determination of the potential fish productivity of water bodies;
- fstocking of water bodies, including in the objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine and sites of mini hydroelectric power plant construction.