Structural subdivisions of the Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Sciences

Administrative Board


Scientific subdivisions

Network of the institute

Production and research base

Sturgeon culture sector

Head of sector:
Marina Pashko
phone: +38(096)312-45-48
e-mail (head): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The sturgeon culture sector has been created for the revival of commercial sturgeon culture and restoration of the stocks of native sturgeon species in Ukrainian water bodies.

The importance of the sector activity is related to the fact that current conditions require artificial propagation and commercial rearing of sturgeon species not only for maintaining their abundance and biodiversity in natural environments but also for economic activities. All sturgeon species, which still inhabit Ukrainian waters, are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, IUCN list, Bern and Bonn conventions, CITES and European Red List. Therefore, the only possibility to increase the amounts of sturgeon production in Ukraine is the development of the aquaculture of these species, which forms the conditions for obtaining marketable products during first 2-4 years after starting the necessary works. Creation of a broad network of fish culture farms will allow preserving the genetic pool of sturgeon species, reducing the pressure of illegal fishing and multimillion losses from the disappearance of sturgeon fishery and reduction of production amounts, preserving the market of services, employment, and increase of working places for people.

The study methods of the sector are generally accpected ones in ichthyology, hydrobiology, and aquaculture.

Major areas of the sector activities:

  1. development and implementation of new resource saving technologies of rearing fry and marketable fish;
  2. optimization of the technologies of artificial fish propagation;
  3. improvement of methodological approaches for the determination of biological parameters of multiple age groups of sturgeon species;
  4. improvement of the technologies of the domestication of native sturgeon species;
  5. increase of fish fry survival;
  6. study of the peculiarities of stock restoration, distribution and dynamics, feeding and trophic relationships, food supply, growth, population biology of species, interspecific and intraspecific competitive relationships and environmental conditions of sturgeon species;
  7. monitoring of brood fish conditions;
  8. increase of the efficiency of fish larva and fingerling rearing in aquaculture;
  9. scientific justification of commercial sturgeon harvest management.

Propositions of services for individuals and legal entities:

  • development of scientific-biological justifications;
  • development of the technological schemes of fish culture corresponding to the conditions of specific fish farms and types of aquaculture;
  • development of breeding selection programs for the subjects of selection practice;
  • provision of scientific support when forming replacement-broodfish stocks;
  • provision of consultative services.

State enterprise "Experimental Farm of the Lviv Research Station of the Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS"

Volodymyr Petriv
phone: +38(231)24-135,
e-mail (director): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Head accountant:
Hanna Gryb

The State enterprise «Experimental fish farm of Lviv Research Station» of the Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine has been created in 2002 as a result of the reorganization of Lviv Unit of the Institute of Fisheries UAAS.

The experimental fish farm is directly reported to the Lviv Research Station of the IF NAAS that is in accord with the objective of its creation – organizational and business support of the station for performing studies, tests, and finishing scientific works, their approbation as well as the process audit and their implementation into production.

The activities of the fish farm are aimed at achieving the positive results when rearing fish seeds, marketable fish, and breeding material of Lubin intrabreed types of carp and Amur wild carp.

The Experimental Station has material resources sufficient for its work. For industrial production of fish larvae, an incubation facility has been reconstructed, which allowed optimizing fish rearing processes due to early spawning by the incubation of breeding fish eggs.

Pond stock of the Experimental Farm has 233.44 ha of water area, of which 175 ha are fattening ponds, 36.43 ha are nursery ponds, 8.23 ha and wintering ponds, 0.95 ha are spawning ponds, 12.83 ha are summer brood fish ponds.

The Experimental Farm has specialized a vehicle: a live fish truck «MAN» equipped for long distance transportation of live fish products.

Twenty experimental ponds of 0.10-0.18 ha area with independent water supply were built for conducting scientific works.

The Lviv Research Station with the Experimental Farm has been attested by the Breeding Fish Plant for rearing Amur wild carp, scaly and framed carp of Lubin intrabreed types of Ukrainian carp and by the Aquaculture Selection Center.

According to this, the main accent in the activities of the Experimental farm is selection. The farm rears and sells brood Lubin scaly and framed carp, develops new perspective lines of scaleless carp based on the synthesis of the best features, which are proper to Lubin framed carp, Halych carp imported from Poland and carp of Hungarian origin.

For last 5 years, the fish farm sold more than 1200 nests of brood Lubin carp, 700 males of Amur wild carp.

The Experimental Station of the Lviv Research Station IF NAAS is a research base for scientific works implemented in the aquaculture of Ukraine and abroad.

Director of the institute of fisheries

Director of the institute
Igor Hrytsyniak

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Phone corded (reception): +38(044) 227-01-86
Phone mobile (reception): +38 (094) 827-01-86
E-mail (reception): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hrytsyniak I.I. was born in 1956 in village Mavkovychy of Gorodok district, Lviv region. In 1980, he graduated from the Lviv State University with the specialty economist. In 2004, he defended his dissertation work and received the scientific degree of the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. In 2008, Hrytsyniak I.I. was awarded with the scientific rank of senior research scientist, and, in 2009, he defended the dissertation for the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences degree. The academic rank of Professor was awarded to him in 2013 and the same year he became the full Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

Hrytsyniak I.I. started his working activity in 1977 at Lviv Research Station of the Institute of Fisheries. Since January 2006, he has been working as the Director of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS.

The institute was granted the utility model patents of Ukraine and more than 60 developments in the field of aquaculture, where Hrytsyniak I.I. is an author or co-author. The materials of his research works were described in more than 240 scientific articles published in Ukraine and abroad.

He is the deputy editor-in-chief of scientific journal “Fisheries Science of Ukraine” published in Ukraine since 2007 (е-ISSN 2312-9581, ISSN 2075-1508, DOI: 10.15407/fsu).

He supervised the dissertation for the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences degree (Tretiak O.M. “Technical-biological fundamentals for rearing paddlefish Polyodon spathula (Walbaum) in aquaculture of Ukraine”) and 4 dissertations for the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences degree – Deren O.V. “Productive characteristics and natural resistance of multiple breed groups of carp under the effect of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench), Petriv V.B. “Metabolic and productive effect of iodine in pond fish”, Osoba I.A. “Genetic assessment and physiological-biochemical peculiarities of carp of Nesvytsk zonal type”, and Yaninovych I.E. “Increase of pond aquaculture efficiency by expansion of fish polyculture”.

Scientific works of Hrytsyniak I.I. are devoted to the development and improvement of resource efficient technologies for rearing fish and fish seeds, special products for prevention and treatment of fish diseases and increase of fish immunity, selective breeding works, fish feeding.

The targeted long-term works of fish breeders with the participation of Hrytsyniak I.I. resulted in breeding of three new intrabreed types of Ukrainian carp, which have high productivity, cold and diseases resistance.

Hrytsyniak I.I. together with scientists of the Institute of Fisheries initiated the study on the possibilities of the enrichment of fish meat with certain microelements and first of all iodine by adding it to fish feeds.

Hrytsyniak I.I. supervised the works on the systemic study of relationships between blood protein polymorphism, natural resistance, activity of immune and antioxidant systems as well as some aspects of protein and lipid metabolism in carp of different origins. The genetic structure of various intrabreed types of Ukrainian carp and their hybrid forms was investigated by studying protein and enzyme polymorphism.

An important place in his activity belongs to the works of selective-genetic prospects. He initiated the creation of a specialized laboratory of molecular genetics of aquaculture and laboratory of virology and bacteriology in the Institute, which were the first in Ukraine.

The Institute actively develops the studies related to low-temperature conservation of sexual products of valuable, rare and endangered fish species of different origins, improves the methods of cryobiotechnologies. A cryobank of different commercial and endangered fish species of Ukraine was created in the Institute for the first time.

Hrytsyniak I.I. is a member of the Director council on international cooperation of the Network of Scientific Aquaculture Centers in Eastern-Central Europe (NACEE), takes active part in organizing the internships of Ukrainian specialists in foreign scientific institutions and universities.

For his achievements in the development of fisheries sciences, Hrytsyniak I.I. was awarded with the honorary title of “Honored employee of agriculture of Ukraine”, “Honorary worker of fisheries”, “Leader of agribusiness”. He was decorated with the “For Merits” III class order, “St. Volodymyr” order, “Archistratigus Michael” order, “St. George” order, “Christ the Saviour” order, Certificate of Honor of the Central Electoral Commission, “Veteran of Fish Industry” badge, Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet Council of Ukraine and other state distinctions.

                                                            Organizational Structure

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